
Ancient Indo-Greeks Apollodotus II Silver Drachm P 2576

$ 21.44

  • INR: ₹ 1,800.00

  • Metal : Silver
  • Denomination : Drachm
  • Weight : 2.32 Grams
  • Diameter : 16.92 Millimeter
  • Catalogue Reference : MIG # 425l

Availability: Out of stock

SKU: P 2576 Category: Tag:


Ancient, Indo-Greeks, Apollodotus II (c. 80-65 BC), Silver Drachm, 2.32 gms, 16.92 mm, Obverse: A diademed bust of king to right, Greek legend around reading ‘BAΣIΛEΩΣ ΣΩTHPOΣ AΠOΛΛOΔOTOY’ (Basileos Soteros Apollodotou), Reverse: Athena Alkidemos standing, holding Aegis on one outstretched left arm and hurling thunderbolt with other hand, Kharoshthi legend around reading ‘Maharajasa Tratarasa Apaladatasa’, MIG # 425l, extra fine, very scarce. P 2576

100 % Original Coin. Condition as per Scan Photo / Scan.


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